Women Thriving. Colorado Rising.

Civic Engagement

You Can Transform Your Community

Raise your voice. Advocate for opportunity. Cast your vote.

Public policy is a powerful tool for change. Our state and our economy can be strengthened by advancing common-sense, practical solutions that create opportunities for women to reach their full potential and remove the barriers standing in the way of their progress. One bill can positively, or negatively, impact hundreds of thousands of women and families. That is why WFCO engages in public policy advocacy and why your civic engagement is crucial.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. – Margaret Mead

Not sure where to start? You already have – you’re here. This page will help you find resources for voting, research ballot issues and candidates, learn about the legislative process, and engage in advocacy.


  Your Voice and Your Vote Matter!

  Register to vote/confirm your registration

Register to vote and confirm or update your voter registration at www.GoVoteColorado.com. 

To register to vote:  

  • Individuals must be 18 years old by election day (although individuals as young as 16 can register in preparation for their 18th birthday) 
  • Citizens of the United States, and  
  • Have lived in Colorado at least 22 days prior to election day.  

  Mail-in ballots & voting

All Colorado voters (whose registration is completed at least 8 days in advance of an election) receive a mail-in ballot. Mailed ballots must be received (not postmarked) by your county clerk and recorder by 7:00 p.m. on election day.

If you are unsure whether your ballot will be received in time, drop it off at a designated drop-off location until 7:00 p.m. on election day.

Polling locations are also available for in-person voting. Visit your county clerk and recorder's website to find your polling place, ballot drop-off location, and even track your ballot’s progress.

Visit the Colorado Secretary of State website for more information about mail-in ballots.

  Upcoming elections in Colorado

November 5, 2024 – General Election

In this general election, voters will have the opportunity to vote for president, members of congress, members of the Colorado General Assembly, and local and state ballot measures. 

  Researching candidates

As a 501c3 tax exempt organization, WFCO cannot support or oppose candidates for public office or political parties. However, it can and does take positions on issues. 

There are many resources to learn more about the candidates on your ballot and where they stand on the issues. A few good places to start:  

We also encourage you to visit candidates’ websites, contact them with questions and suggestions, and participate in community events to learn more about those who seek to represent you and govern your community.  

  Researching issues

Voters are encouraged to learn more about the issues impacting our community to inform their votes. Trusted organizations can be great sources of issue information. WFCO and our public policy partners have released several guides and briefs to help you understand the issues:

We know there is a lot of information out there so please let us know what you’re using to help you be a better informed voter! If we've missed a resource, please email us at wfco@wfco.org.

  Ballot measures

Colorado voters often have the opportunity to weigh in on changes to the state constitution and state laws. These statewide initiatives end up on the ballot through referral by the Colorado General Assembly or are championed by proponents in the community and certified for the ballot through a complex process.

An impartial analysis of each amendment, law, and question on the ballot is prepared by the Colorado Legislative Council staff with input from the community, including proponents and opponents. The analysis is presented in the Ballot Information Booklet or “Blue Book”, which is mailed to all voters and available online. There should be an equivalent to the Blue Book for your county and municipal voting as well.

Colorado news outlets often cover important or controversial ballot measures in their politics or op-ed sections. Check your favorite outlet's website to see what issues they're covering. WFCO and our public policy partners have released several guides and briefs to help you understand the issues:

We know there is a lot of information out there so please let us know what you’re using to help you be a better informed voter!

How to File Initiatives in Colorado
Colorado Initiative Procedures & Guidelines
Behind the Scenes: How a Bill Becomes a Law In Colorado by Legislative Legal Services


Election Protection Resources

Please visit Just Vote Colorado’s website if you have any questions or experience voter protection issues while voting. Their resources are in English and Spanish.

Bottom line: Register to vote, read your Blue Book, find your polling place, and cast your ballot.


  Advocating for Change


  Colorado General Assembly

The Colorado General Assembly is complex and largely operates in the same way as the United States Congress. We have a bicameral legislature, made up of the House of Representatives, which includes 65 seats, and the Senate, which includes 35 seats. Representatives serve two-year terms and are limited to four consecutive terms. Senators serve four-year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms.

Learn about the Assembly's composition, procedure and powers, the state budget process, and more.

Have you ever wondered who can be a legislator? Are legislators paid? Who is a legislator's boss? Read this legislative Q&A

  Legislative process

Every bill introduced in the Colorado General Assembly receives a public hearing. The bills are first considered in the chamber in which they are introduced, assigned to a committee for a public hearing, and then, if passed out of committee, return for further consideration by the chamber in which the bill was introduced.

Then, if the bill passes the first chamber, the process is repeated in the second chamber. If passed by both chambers, the bill advances for the Governor’s approval.

  How a bill becomes a law in Colorado
  The legislative process
  Public participation in the legislative process

  Influencing legislators

Many ideas for new laws or changes to existing laws come from community members. Legislators value opportunities to listen to their constituents about challenges facing their communities and potential solutions for them. Legislators also want input from those they represent about the issues on which they vote throughout the legislative session.

There are many ways to share your perspective with elected officials, as an individual or a representative of a community group, business, or organization.

First, find your legislator. Then, you can contact them by phone, email, or mail. You may also request an in-person meeting with elected officials.

When you contact your legislator (use this link to find out who that is) remember the following:

Tell them you are a constituent; legislators pay attention to those who put – and keep – them in office.

Communicate aspects important to you in your own words; legislators prefer not to receive standardized emails and/or calls.

Including something specific to your district is helpful (a personal story, something you saw/heard, why this matter is especially important to you, etc.).


     For a phone call:

Use this formula, pulled from an action alert for the SB23-105 Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, for whatever bill or issue you're calling about.

Introduction: Introduce yourself as a constituent and include your affiliation with The Women’s Foundation of Colorado, as well as your professional affiliation or role in the community.

What issue you're calling about and why: I’m calling to request your support on SB23-105, Measures to Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work. Our economy and communities are stronger when workplaces are fair and transparent. Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act passed in 2019 to address historical pay secrecy and gaps and implementation taught us so much. SB23-105 will serve Colorado workers better, increase workplace fairness and transparency, and respond to the request of public and private employers to clarify and simplify transparency and posting requirements.  

Personalize: Personalize the conversation by sharing how you or someone you know have been able to address pay inequalities because of the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act or if you have experienced discrimination or lack of transparency in pay.

Ask for support: Please support SB23-105 Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work by voting yes. 


    * For an email:

Use this formula, pulled from an action alert for the SB23-105 Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, for whatever bill or issue you're emailing about.


My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a supporter of The Women’s Foundation of Colorado as well as a [INSERT PROFESSIONAL TITLE (optional). IE: business owner, educator etc]. I am writing you today to strongly encourage your support for SB23-105, Measures to Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work [BILL OR ISSUE], because [WHY SUPPORT IE: our economy and communities are stronger when workplaces are fair and transparent. Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act passed in 2019 to address historical pay secrecy and gaps and implementation taught us so much. SB23-105 will serve Colorado workers better, increase workplace fairness and transparency, and respond to the request of public and private employers to clarify and simplify transparency and posting requirements.]

[PERSONALIZE IE: let your senator/representative know if you or someone you know has been impacted by this bill/issue] Share if you have been able to address pay inequalities because of the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act or if you have experienced discrimination or lack of transparency in pay.

As one of your constituents, I ask you to please support SB23-105.






 Stay up-to-date

Learn more about proposed legislation through the Colorado General Assembly bill tracking tools.

Sign up for our eNewsletter and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on what's happening at the Capitol and to receive action alerts to contact your representatives on critical issues impacting Colorado women and their families.

Each spring during the legislative session, WFCO hosts an Advocating4Impact training series for community members to learn about and participate in the legislative process.

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Join our social media network by engaging with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and by watching our videos on Vimeo.


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We have advised you to seek your own legal and tax advice in connection with gift and planning matters. The Women’s Foundation of Colorado does not provide legal or tax advice.

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