BFF's Who Care fund
At regular social engagements, a great group of BFF‘s would discuss and celebrate the longevity of their relationships and the power of their networks. They decided that although the social engagements were fun, it would be meaningful to help others. BFF's Who Care will leave a legacy that will pass on to future generations, united around lifelong giving, connectivity, fun and friendships.
Although many of the members currently give to organizations near and dear to them, the fund believe's there is power in numbers and can make a larger impact working together while also having some fun and making new connections.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
- Helen Keller

Periodically, the fund will select one pillar to focus on raising money and awareness. The BFFs will do a variety of events throughout the year (virtually initially, but ultimately in-person) to get together. There will be opportunities to connect with other like-minded women who enjoy sharing an occasional glass or two of wine or want to participate in an activity for one of their selected organizations.
Grantee Organizations
The fund will publish the organization they have chosen to support on a quarterly basis to encourage contributions.
Fall 2020 Grantee
- Susan G. Komen Foundation
2021 Grantees
- Susan G. Komen Foundation
- Food Bank of the Rockies
- Pedaling for Parkinson's
- The Gathering Place
2022 Grantees
- The Butterfly Foundation in support of the Marshall Fires
- Pedaling for Parkinson’s
- Walk to End Alzheimer’s
- Judi’s House
Donate to BFFs Who Care
BFFs Who Care Steering Committee/Founding Members
Jen Colosimo
Paula Hendrickson – co-chair
Diane Kelly
Traci Lounsbury – co-chair
Felicity O’Herron
Eileen Shaw