Women Thriving. Colorado Rising.

2025 Legislative Priorities

Our levels of support for bills, which range from monitoring to lobbying, are determined by availability of resources, the need for our support, and alignment with our policy priorities, listed below:

  1. Address root causes of poverty and provide holistic and flexible resources to women and their families
  2. Reform Colorado’s tax and budget policies to promote equity and allow for sufficient resources to be dedicated to WFCO priorities
  3. Promote issues and protect rights that promote gender, racial, and economic equity

Levels of support:

  • Lobby/active: Our lobbying team at Frontline Public Affairs will lobby three bills. We will also use organizational resources to provide testimony, participate/lead coalition strategy meetings, engage with stakeholders, meet with legislators, communicate resources, and more.
  • Active: We will provide support/opposition on bills, which may include testimony, participation in coalition strategy meetings, stakeholder engagement, meeting with legislators, etc.
  • Passive: We will provide/support opposition on bills, alert key stakeholders to add The Women’s Foundation of Colorado to fact sheets
  • Amending/monitor: We will monitor progress and may gather more information to evaluate potential implications and inform future position

2025 Legislative Tracker:


Join Us

WFCO invites you to join us in leading systemic change on behalf of women and their families. Through a unified voice we can influence positive community outcomes. Stay tuned for updates before, during, and after the session, and in the meantime, here's how you can help support our advocacy efforts!

  • Advocating4Impact. Join our series of learning opportunities led by lobbyists and legislative experts.
  • Help inform the conversation. Share WFCO’s recent research that is informing our advocacy work.
  • Vote and advocate. Read our civic engagement guide to learn how you can make a difference, from voting to how to contact your legislators.
  • Stay in touch. Sign up for our eNewsletter to receive information and updates.
  • Follow and share. Follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram for policy updates throughout the year and participate in Facebook Live discussions with our programs team.
  • Share your ideas with us. Let us know when you see a challenge in your community that could be improved by a policy change, email us at wfco@wfco.org.

Find Us on Social Media (#WFCO)

Join our social media network by engaging with us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and by watching our videos on Vimeo.


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We have advised you to seek your own legal and tax advice in connection with gift and planning matters. The Women’s Foundation of Colorado does not provide legal or tax advice.

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